[nycphp-talk] Microsoft Access application conversion recommendations

Sean Pangia spangia at
Fri Mar 9 17:34:46 EST 2007

doesn't MS have tools to convert Access to ASP?

Kenneth Downs wrote:

> Timothy Boyden wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I will be starting on a project to convert a fairly extensive 
>> Microsoft Access based application to a web based version. This 
>> application was internally built to manage all manner of details 
>> regarding our franchisee operations (financials, reporting, CRM, 
>> etc..). It uses MS Access forms with a tabbed structure and various 
>> form elements. The application will be hosted on a Network Solutions 
>> shared hosting server that has an Apache 1.x, MySQL 4.1.x, and PHP 
>> 4.1.x back-end. The MS Access application uses an MS SQL 2000 
>> Enterprise database for data storage.
>> I could use some recommendations on tools that will help me convert 
>> this app as quickly as possible. Everything from IDEs to conversion 
>> utilities are on the table. Unfortunately changing the web 
>> infrastructure is not.
> Hmm, why not just leave it as-is?  Whatever you may think of MS Access 
> (I'm not a big fan myself), its got to be simpler and easier than 
> splitting it into 3 pieces and using older versions of all three. 
> What is the motivation for doing this?  Just to get web access?   If so, 
> use Terminal Services.
> Shared hosting?  The project doesn't warrant its own server?  Doesn't 
> add up.  If its that big and is contributing to the bottom line one 
> would think it could justify a server and the admin's choice of tools, 
> languages, etc.
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   Sean Pangia

   Red Cent
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