[nycphp-talk] OT: Web Testing open source tools

Anirudh Zala arzala at
Fri Mar 16 23:34:18 EDT 2007

On Friday 16 March 2007 20:01, David A. Roth wrote:
> I'm looking for recommendations of excellent web testing open source
> tools that run on Linux and cover testing areas that include functional
> testing and performance testing. Capture and creation of test messages
> that easily handle the web interface is important. My intention is to
> create a test regression package of test scripts to verify a web sites
> functions. For performance I'm mainly concerned with areas of how well
> a given web site performs under heavy traffic conditions and measuring
> its capacity.
> Thanks in advance,
> David Roth
> rothmail at
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Hi David,

I am just providing list of certain softwares that can be useful for various 
types of testing. 

Unit testing at code level: PHPUnit2 and SimpleTest (PHPUnit2 is purely for 
PHP code while SimpleTest can be used for code + web page functionality 

System testing: Selenium

Usability testing: ab, httperf, OpenSTA

These all are open source and very popular.

Anirudh Zala

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