[nycphp-talk] AGLOCO

Hans Zaunere lists at
Mon Mar 26 12:23:54 EDT 2007

This is an inappropriate post, Shadab.  Good bye.


Shadab Wadiwala wrote on Monday, March 26, 2007 12:18 PM:
>          I am sending you  an email  about a new Internet company
> that is in  its  pre-launch right now. I do not know if you have had
> a chance to join yet, but if not here is link to do so
> <>   -
> about two minutes is all it takes.    
> The pre-launch phase of the company is going well. If you search
> "agloco" on Google, you get 800,000 pages talking about the company. 
> Lots of people are starting to get in and from my point of few - this
> is what - MYSPACE, YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, HOTMAIL and even EBAY - looked
> like when they were small. The users/members were excited about the
> company. AND that is what is now happening with AGLOCO.   
> Established blogger John Chow has over 3,000 referrals.
> The are serious discussion about the value of an economic network
> There is even an AGLOCO Top Gun page
> There is no guarantee this will make you any money. BUT it is
> completely FREE so you will not go backwards. Now is time for you to
> join. Use this for direct access to sign up.
> <>   
> Fondly,
> Shadab .I. Wadiwala
> My homepage:--
> <> 
> ________________________________
> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo! Answers
> <*>

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