[nycphp-talk] Flexible Forms & How to store them...

Rolan Yang rolan at
Tue May 15 18:51:49 EDT 2007

Brian Dailey wrote:
> This looks like what I'll ultimately be doing. I played around with 
> some SQL queries and what I ended up with was similar to this - 
> joining the table for each data value that I wanted to look up (and 
> since I expect a matching data value, I don't even have to LEFT JOIN 
> everything, which speeds it up significantly).
> Thanks for all of your help and suggestions!

You may eventually reach a point where your data volume becomes 
monstrous and the queries start to take an unacceptably long time to 
run, or consume too much CPU, or maybe even lock up the tables from 
being written to.  At that point (or before) you may want to consider 
setting up a second mysql machine as as replicated slave - dedicated for 
generating reports. Once you have that you can create triggers or run 
periodic batch processes to index your data in more optimized tables so 
the reports can be generated on the fly or at least more quickly.


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