[nycphp-talk] Flexible Forms & How to store them...

csnyder chsnyder at
Wed May 16 10:34:44 EDT 2007

On 5/15/07, Brian Dailey <support at> wrote:

> Which leads me to my next question - Chris, in your 2 layer approach how
> do you handle indexing? If you have a fairly sizable chunk of
> YAML/XML/etc data, how do you handle searching it?

Well, I haven't had to. I've been working in content and event
management, and using tags to give objects searchable properties when
they fall outside of indexed fields. It's amazing what you can fudge
with semantic categorization, but it's definitely a fudge. You can't
SUM() tags.

In fact, SUM() might be a great example of the problem here. I can see
how Lucene would quickly return all the orders with quantity:2, but
what kind of crunching is involved in finding the total quantity
across all orders?

Chris Snyder

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