[nycphp-talk] Input whitelist validation warning

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Thu May 17 20:45:52 EDT 2007

You are right ― I forgot about Chris Snyder’s excellent book.

On 5/17/07 8:39 PM, "Michael Southwell" <michael.southwell at> wrote:

> At 06:35 PM 5/17/2007, you wrote:
>> I just discovered a hole in a white list validation technique I bored from a
>> PHP security book ­ no, not Chris’ book.
> uhh, there are actually two PHP security books written by someone named Chris.
> I can say that this is not Pro PHP Security by Chris Snyder ;-).
>> Beware in_array($_POST/GET[‘input’], $whitelist)
>> Type matters. All input is string type and PHP will try to force type
>> matching.
>> So the input string ‘securityhole’ will match the int number 0.
>> FYI,
>> Cliff 

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