[nycphp-talk] Support Ticket Sytem

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Fri May 18 12:12:06 EDT 2007

Hmmm ...

Developer needs source control, ticketing, bug tracking and billing  
system all in one :-)

Thanks for the link, haven't seen it before ...

- Jon

On May 18, 2007, at 11:06 AM, Ajai Khattri wrote:

> On Thu, 17 May 2007, Jon Baer wrote:
>> Im sure either TRAC or TRAC-HACKS www.trac-
>> has it.
>> This is a great (and what seems like) defacto ticketing system, I use
>> it all the time and rarely ever work w/o it.  I install it for free @
>> client sites just so I can stay sane on a project.  But I can see it
>> being used as a general ticket system w/ ease
> Trac is great for working on a project but it is not a serious
> general-purpose ticketing system. For that, you need to look at more
> hardcore stuff like RT or OTRS (both of which work with email OOTB).

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