[nycphp-talk] IDE recommendations

David Krings ramons at
Fri May 25 10:04:13 EDT 2007


Since years I am using Luckasoft's EnginSite PHP Editor as IDE. It works 
well and has many features that more expensive IDEs offer. There is one 
major drawback to this IDE: the implementation of the debugger (PHP dbg) 
is....well....goofy. If I want to debug a series of scripts I have to 
automatically set a breakpoint at the beginning of each script. So when 
I start at login and want to debug something 6 script files down, I have 
to stop and continue six times before I get to the real breakpoint where 
I want to look at things. That is so utterly annoying and Luckasoft is 
kinda unresponsive to this issue that I set out to look for another IDE. 
I really like EnginSite PHP, but when adding a bunch of echos for 
debugging is faster than using a debugger, something's not right.

I looked so far at Zend, but don't get the GUI. It seems to be overly 
complicated. I then tried some of these Eclipse based hodgepodges, but 
they lack a lot of features if I ever can get them to run. And I tried 
NuSphere PHPEd. I like it a lot and consider the Pro version, but I and 
my wallet can't get over the sticker shock of 299$. I'm not saying the 
app isn't worth that, but for a hobbyist with a budget of about 0$ that 
is a bit pricey.

So, the question of the day is: Which other IDEs do you recommend that I 
look at?

Any pointers are welcome.


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