[nycphp-talk] Performance testing advice

csnyder chsnyder at
Thu Nov 8 14:05:56 EST 2007

On 11/7/07, Rob Marscher <rmarscher at> wrote:
> On Nov 2, 2007, at 1:28 PM, Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> ...snip... one strange bug. My first access can take upwards of 30 seconds
> for anything to happen — just a blank white browser while I wait...and
> wait... After that first hit, things are fine, regardless of whether I use
> different browsers, different PCs, flush caches, etc.
> Did you figure this out, Cliff?  I'm curious to know the answer.  Are you
> using mod_php or cgi?  I was thinking that perhaps if it's some type of cgi
> solution, it could be taking time to initialize php.  Another idea is that
> you have some really slow db queries, but the results are pulled from the
> query cache on the subsequent page requests.

Or maybe your scripts or Apache is gathering entropy from /dev/random
rather than /dev/urandom? I've noticed long waits when restarting
Apache if mod_auth_digest is in use.

Chris Snyder

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