[nycphp-talk] PDO or sprintf for creating sql queries.

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Mon Nov 12 15:55:55 EST 2007

On Nov 9, 2007, at 8:48 PM, John Campbell wrote:
>> Was anyone else completely annoyed by the way most
>> of the params were switched between mysql and mysqli where the db  
>> link was
>> required and put as the first param in most functions?
> Nah... just use the object notation, and it actually makes more sense.

That's true... the new OO notation nice.  I had a couple classes  
though that were written with the old mysql extension and wanted to  
quickly update it to use mysqli.  I used a simple search and replace  
for mysql to mysqli, but then realized I need to write a script to  
swap arguments too.

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