[nycphp-talk] Quality Code [was "Injection..."]

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Tue Nov 13 10:44:29 EST 2007

Brian D. wrote:
>> Programmers who write quality code do not write code slower than
>> programmers who don't. If anything they produce more lines of code per
>> day, and their code does more.
> You can certainly write an application, placing your SQL calls, HTML
> layout, and everything else all in the same files, ignoring security
> problems, and skipping documentation, much, *much* faster than you can
> create an application that considers security issues, best practices,
> well-documented code, etc.

Well, except for the documentation, I'd disagree with this.

Maybe a little faster, but not a lot.  If you always do XYZ to sanitize 
your data and make your SQL calls, than it really won't be any different 
than always doing something else.

The biggest problem with that approach is the many cooks syndrome.  One 
guy always uses one library to sanitize data, another guy uses a second 
library, than a third dev comes along and uses a third library.

The code keeps bloating because each person has their preferred 
method(and this assumes they have sane libraries that don't conflict!)

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