[nycphp-talk] GoogleMapAPI

John Campbell jcampbell1 at
Wed Nov 14 20:08:52 EST 2007

> Is anyone using this API?  I'm testing this PHP class for possible use
> on a project.

Yes, I wrote this site that uses it (including the advanced features).

> I've the basic functionality working but, for the life of
> me, I can't figure out how to get it to display driving directions or
> overlay a visual route.
> Any tips or pointers to sample code would be very helpful.

The Google Maps API is the best documented code I have ever seen.

For driving directions see:
click "Services" then scroll to the bottom for a "cut 'n paste" example.
Check the "References" page if you want to get into the details.

My only pointer, it to make sure you truely understand the js concepts,
"a function is an object" and closure.  If you are a PHP guy, it is
likely a foreign concept.

John Campbell

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