[nycphp-talk] WSDL conversion to PHP classes

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Mon Nov 26 15:15:38 EST 2007

Rob Marscher wrote:
> On Nov 25, 2007, at 3:23 PM, Gary Mort wrote:
>> I've been looking around and I see a number of frameworks and 
>> standalone apps where you can give it the WSDL(sp?) definition file 
>> for an XML/RPC type application and it will generate a bunch of stub 
>> classes for you to send/receive requests and automatically parse the 
>> xml responses into objects or arrays.
>> Anyone used any of them, and if so what's your favorite time saver?
> I recently used php's built-in SoapClient class.  You need to 
> configure with --enable-soap.  It was great.  I couldn't believe how 
> easy it was:
> $client = new 
> SoapClient("");
> var_dump($client->__getFunctions());
> var_dump($client->__getTypes());
> SimpleXML can be used to parse XML responses from the Soap service.
> You asked for XML/RPC though... so then use Zend 
> Framework's Zend_XmlRpc_Client class. 

My mistake, all the services are bubbling together in my head and I'm 
trying to figure out what's what.

It seems to be a fairly trivial exercise, given an WSDL file to create a 
bunch of classes for accessing the interface without coding it yourself.

The only real catch is to get myself to /think/ in those terms.   If I 
can figure out the mental landscape, I think it all becomes fairly simple. 

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