[OT] Re: [nycphp-talk] neeed help

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Tue Oct 2 17:15:42 EDT 2007

On Oct 2, 2007, at 4:06 AM, inforequest wrote:
> David Krings |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:
>> inforequest wrote:
>>> Not to be contrary :-) but there is *always* a way.
>> OK, then craft a web page that has something in it that disables  
>> using Print Screen. Show me that and I'll be a believer. Until  
>> then I stand to what I wrote earlier. OK, and not posting it on a  
>> page is cheating. ;)
>> David
> David you have to think outside the box. It's not about  
> technology... it's about causing the user to not *want* to print  
> that screen, or save and share/email/etc. That's all I'll say ;-)
OK... now I have to know... make it include personal information  
about the user (social security/credit card info/nude pictures)?  I  
guess photoshop could get rid of that though.  Hmm....

On a more serious note, a friend recently told me what some labels  
are doing with their album pre-releases to the press.  Each album is  
stamped with some inaudible frequency over the whole thing.  Then if  
the album got leaked, the label could take the leaked version, check  
out which frequency is on it, and then look up who leaked it and call  
in the lawyers.  Of course... how long until people figure out how to  
get rid of those frequencies?

Let's just make everything free.  :)

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