[nycphp-talk] Framework SIG lists?

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Oct 19 14:46:43 EDT 2007

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Jon Baer wrote:

> Just curious, is there any interest out there to maybe(?) create  
> local framework-specific lists (SIGs) around CakePHP, Zend, Symfony,  
> etc.  Or would it be better to just post to Talk w/ something in the  
> subject [Zend] to signify the topic better or would that annoy everyone?

Most of these frameworks have their own lists which are more useful for 
asking questions on than here. That said, its always useful to discuss 
those here with developers NOT using your framework of choice, if only to 
have another prespective to bounce ideas off.

Oh, and Im all for adding things to the Subject: headers to easier filter 


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