[nycphp-talk] Compiling PHP

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Mon Oct 22 12:22:37 EDT 2007

First thing Id do is grab php-5.2.4 and mysql 5.0.45 sources and  
untar to /usr/local/src so you have them in case they are not there  
or outdated.

Run "php -i | grep configure" and copy that to a handy file  
somewhere, it shows how your current php bin was built.  Look for the  
mysql directives ...

./configure --help | grep mysql
   --with-mysql[=DIR]      Include MySQL support. DIR is the MySQL  
base directory
   --with-mysql-sock[=DIR]   MySQL: Location of the MySQL unix socket  
   --with-mysqli[=FILE]    Include MySQLi support.  FILE is the  
optional pathname
                           to mysql_config [mysql_config]
   --enable-embedded-mysqli  MYSQLi: Enable embedded support
   --with-pdo-mysql[=DIR]    PDO: MySQL support. DIR is the MySQL  
base directory

Your configure should already point to apxs for your apache setup so  
you don't need to do anything w/ apache except restart when the  
recompile is done.

When I did this before I learned my lesson of symlinking up versions  
of mysql (and php) so I could easily rollback.

BTW, was mysql compiled in or is it shared?  From what I recall if it  
is shared you can also jump into /ext/mysql and run phpize,  
configure, make and swap out the extension in php.ini.  This would of  
course be a possibly less secure method.

- Jon

On Oct 22, 2007, at 9:45 AM, Jake McGraw wrote:

> Hello All:
> We currently have PHP 5.2.4 installed on our web server. It was
> compiled and installed with PHP MySQL library version 4.1.22 and our
> MySQL Server version is 5.0.45. Until yesterday this hadn't caused us
> any problems, but I believe it is now the source of the following
> error:
> Unable to bind arguments to query: Using unsupported buffer type: 0
> (parameter: 1)
> My question is, How should I go about recompiling our PHP install with
> a newer MySQL library? Do I need to make any changes to Apache once
> this is done? If anyone could point me to a step by step guide I'd be
> much obliged.
> Thanks,
> - jake
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