[nycphp-talk] Native XML Databases

Brian D. brian at
Wed Oct 24 09:59:32 EDT 2007

Yes, I want to second that and congratulate Elliotte on a very well
put-together demonstration.

I believe the slides can be found here:

I work in the medical industry, and I've seen a lot of
not-so-rectangular data stuffed into rectangular holes (see the NYPHP
thread on "Flexible Forms" back in May, for example) and XML seems as
if it would provide a nice alternative.

The only thing that makes me hesitate is the relative infancy of the
open source DB's available. I would have to be convinced that they are
stable, long-term solutions, and so far I'm not seeing that. Some of
the hybrid solutions out there, however, look quite viable.

Again, thanks for the talk, Elliotte.

On 10/24/07, Halter, Shari <SHalter at> wrote:
> Great Native XML Database talk last night! Can you tell me where the
> slides are posted so I can digest some of that material?
> Shari L. Halter
> Web Programmer, Corporate Services
> Thornton Tomasetti
> 51 Madison Avenue
> New York, NY  10010
> T 917.661.7800  F 917.661.7801
> D 917.661.7970
> SHalter at
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