[nycphp-talk] Finding event listeners?

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Wed Sep 5 14:00:07 EDT 2007

Yep, it does ...

- Jon

On Sep 5, 2007, at 7:26 AM, Ken Robinson wrote:

> At 06:38 AM 9/5/2007, Kenneth Downs wrote:
>> John Campbell wrote:
>>>> I cannot seem to figure out which javascript function I would  
>>>> use to
>>>> determine the event listeners that have been added to an  
>>>> element. Can
>>>> anybody steer me on this? Thanks...
>>> It is not possible to get a listing using the W3C DOM methods.  You
>>> will have to use a custom event manager if you want to be able to  
>>> get
>>> an array of references of the function objects.
>> Urg.  I figured as much but was hoping I was wrong :(
> You might want to to take a look at the Yahoo User Interface  
> Library (YUI) at <>.  When using the  
> Yahoo event functions, I believe you can get what you're looking for.
> Ken
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