[nycphp-talk] SPL - Do you use?

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Fri Sep 28 11:17:41 EDT 2007

On Sep 27, 2007, at 8:14 AM, Jon Baer wrote:
> Do many here use the SPL library?
I know zend framework uses a bunch of it.  Zend_Registry, for  
example, extends from ArrayObject.  The DirectoryIterator seems kinda  
convenient.  I haven't gotten that into it yet though.

> I could never really understand this "library", on one side part of  
> the Java programming that I really felt to be a burden of added /  
> bloated code was the idea of the "Iterator" (you always had to grab  
> one) and that is pretty much what the SPL is (for PHP5), and part  
> of the joy to PHP was the ease + use of a foreach loop and then  
> Java took a step back and implemented the same foreach idea in  
> current JVMs but I barely see it used in many projects.  I would  
> guess that Java people coming to PHP would understand it's uses /  
> design pattern better but the part of the Zend article I don't  
> understand is ...
> "This library of interfaces creates a standard API for certain  
> kinds of built-in functionality, allowing your classes to interact  
> with the PHP engine in a much more seamless manner."
> Im just wondering if this means the use of saying "foreach($objects  
> as $object)" or does refactoring w/ PHP5 Iterators also get you  
> something else as well?

I think there are more built-in php functions that your objects can  
take advantage of... found this in the unit test code, for example:

$ar = array(0=>0, 1=>1);
$ar = new ArrayObject($ar);


$ar[2] = 2;
var_dump($ar["3"] = 3);

var_dump(array_merge((array)$ar, array(4=>4, 5=>5)));

On a side note, the initial reaction of a of mine friend to the zend  
framework was that it felt too much like java.  He's a former java  
developer, who switched to php, and now works in ruby as well).

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