[nycphp-talk] Bizarro Bug trying to insert after using mysql_insert_row

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Wed Apr 2 11:31:40 EDT 2008

Hi Kristina:

On Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 08:14:06AM -0700, Kristina Anderson wrote:
> The ID value is correctly returned and the INSERT string builds 
> correctly, so those are not the problems.
... snip ...
> My 
> best guess is that it might be something in the table structure that 
> I'm missing,

I highly doubt that.  It's a bug in the code.

Perhaps the you're mistakenly running the initial SQL insert string again 
as the second mysql_query() call?

Perhpas the column names and values defined in the second SQL string are 

I'd delete all records from the table.  Do a save from the web form (or 
whatever).  Then look at what shows up in the database VERY carefully.

If that doesn't do it, if you haven't done so already, use your own 
function for running the SQL rather than calling mysql_query() directly 
throughout the code.  Then your central function can have a 
logging/debugging option.


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