[nycphp-talk] best practice for calling multiple queries?

John Campbell jcampbell1 at
Wed Apr 2 12:33:48 EDT 2008

On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Kristina Anderson
<ka at> wrote:
> One thing that I've taken away from this (aside from feeling like an
>  idiot!) is that one reason for my introduction of these bugs is a
>  holdover from my "ASP" coding style where I name each query $query1,
>  query2, etc rather than what I see in a lot of PHP code I've inherited,
>  where each query is simply named $query, even if there are 6 or 7 of
>  them on the page.
>  What is the accepted best practice here?  I find it very confusing to
>  try to read code with 16 items each named $query or $result, but
>  my "ASP" style code is clearly introducing other editing issues.

I don't see how query1, query2 would be any more clear than just using
the same variable name.  Using the same variable name indicates that
the previous statement will not be used again and frees the memory.  I
prefer using names like $sql and $cursor over $query and $result,
because they are more accurate names.  It is clear that "sql" is a
string, and a "cursor" is a pointer to a result set, not actual data.

-John C.

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