[nycphp-talk] OT: webmaster test

Guilherme Blanco guilhermeblanco at
Mon Apr 14 10:27:32 EDT 2008

Too focused on CSS.

HTML is simple, and as you may see, you asked 3 questions, all of them
CSS related. Try something more difficult too... one example:

<input> is a block element or an inline element?

A single programming question and very simple one. Anyone that has a
minimal understand of logic is able to answer that. Put another one,
more complex... try 2 questions...
You should try something to be more written and programming focused
too. Try for example to ask for a basic task... for example, given a
number, return only the prime numbers.
This will request the applicant to think a little, but the solution is
far simple.
Another good way is to do the opposite... put a piece of code and ask
for the applicant what does it do, what does it return given "these"

About CSS... you could merge 4 and 5 together... =)
Question 6 is ok...

I think you can try something harder in CSS..... =)

About webmaster question... question 8, ok.
Question 9 I'd answer:

Why use Flash?
There's no need to use flash anywhere.
Why not?
Everything that is possible to be done in Flash is possible to be done
with the combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

As you may see, the question is rather vague... a designer could tell
you Why use: Because you do not need to rely of browser
inconsistencies. Why not: Flash app size.

Question 10 is ok.

That's my 2 cents.... =)


On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 11:07 AM, André Pitanga <andre at> wrote:
> So, we're hiring a new webmaster here at work and I was tasked with
> producing a simple technical test. The person is supposed to have two years
> experience as a web dev. There's three parts: html, css, and webmaster
> questions. What do you think?
>  (bonus: I'll tell you what my manager thought)
>  1) Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?
>       a) font
>       b) styles
>       c) css
>       d) text
>       e) style
>  2) What is the correct HTML for referring to an external style sheet?
>       a) <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mainstyle.css">
>       b) <style src="mainstyle.css">
>       c) <stylesheet>mainstyle.css</stylesheet>
>       d) <link url="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mainstyle.css">
>  3) Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet?
>       a) <script>
>       b) <css>
>       c) <stylesheet>
>       d) <style>
>  CSS
>  4) Which is the correct CSS syntax?
>       a) body {color: black}
>       b) body:color=black
>       c) {body:color=black}
>       d) {body color:black}
>  5) How does one set a border like this:
>    The top border = 10 pixels, The bottom border = 5 pixels, The left
>  border = 20 pixels, The right border = 1pixel.
>       a) border-width:10px 20px 5px 1px
>       b) border-width:10px 1px 5px 20px
>       c) border-width:10px 5px 20px 1px
>       d) border-width:5px 20px 10px 1px
>  6) What are the three methods for using style sheets with a web page
>       a) Dreamweaver, GoLive or FrontPage
>       b) In-Line, External or Embedded
>       c) Handcoded, Database-driven or WYSIWYG
>  7) a and b are variables.
>    a = 10
>    b = 20
>    a = b
>    The new values of a and b are, respectively:
>  8) What factors determine your recommended maximum home page size (in
>  kilobytes)? How are the factors related?
>  9) Why use Flash in web development? Why not?
>  10) Why is "separation of style and content" recommended in web
>  development?
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Guilherme Blanco - Web Developer
CBC - Certified Bindows Consultant
Cell Phone: +55 (16) 9166-6902
MSN: guilhermeblanco at
Rio de Janeiro - RJ/Brazil

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