[nycphp-talk] Re: OT: webmaster test

Urb LeJeune urb at
Tue Apr 15 11:23:21 EDT 2008

>>This goes back to my point about the status of the profession 
>>--  if we're being compared to cooks and service technicians, you 
>>know times are going to be rough for us.  I'd rather be compared to 
>>a lawyer...and make closer to what they make...what we do is no less complex.

         Profession have educational and licensing/certification 
procedures. It has virtually nothing
to do with how much money one makes. By definition, programming and 
website design is not a
profession. Lawyers require a graduate degree and passage of the bar 
exam. Teachers, in most
states, require a graduate degree and certification. And so it goes.


Dr. Urban A. LeJeune, President
609-294-0320  800-204-9545
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