[nycphp-talk] Re: OT: webmaster test

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Sat Apr 19 17:06:52 EDT 2008

On Sat, 19 Apr 2008, Kristina Anderson wrote:

> Also, in case you are not familiar, public high schools in the US do 
> not charge "fees" -- but are supported by government funds and tax 
> dollars from property taxes -- and the school administration can make 
> policies about which classes are open to which students, and they were 
> within their rights at the time to refuse enrollment in certain classes 
> to female students.

I was referring to college not high schoola. But what you're saying is 
amazing to me. UK schools are also government funded but noone has as much 
control over who can do what. If a female student wanted to do science 
there's noone stopping her. Sounds very backwardc if you ask me...

> They also required at that time "home economics" 
> for girls and "shop classes" for boys.  We were not allowed to choose 
> which one we wanted, but were assigned based on gender.

Wow. Unbelievable.


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