[nycphp-talk] Re: OT: webmaster test

Urb LeJeune urb at
Sun Apr 20 07:00:10 EDT 2008

>Your view on profession is limited and shortsighted. Now with the 
>global scope of Internet programming and communication technology 
>changing as fast as it is, there could never be any licensing 
>authority to set in judgement of this profession -- let alone to be 
>sanctioned by the global community.

         I'm not so sure. Do you think communications technology is 
changing faster that tax laws?

>The point being that the term "profession" has outgrown its definition.

         Would you, and the general public, not consider Medical 
Doctors, Dentists, CPA, Certified Architect,
and Lawyers professionals? As you correctly point out the definition 
of a professions is a moving target
varying by profession.

         The real problem, as I see it, is that programming is not 
about syntax. Someone pointed out that they
would do poorly on a programming test because they don't memorize 
what is available in a manual. Creative
problem solving, system conceptualization and programmatic insight 
are the characteristics separating the
great programmers for the good programmers.

         When I was in college I took a non-computer course called 
Creative Problem Solving. It had more
influence on my programming, by far, than any computer course I took.

>As far as being an elitist or pragmatist, I really don't think your 
>words reflect a pragmatistic view.

         I'll have to work on that :-)

         BTW, how does one change the subject when a response clearly 
doesn't match the current
subject. I arbitrarily did that one time and was corrected.


Dr. Urban A. LeJeune, President
609-294-0320  800-204-9545
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