[nycphp-talk] About Formalizing an Enterprise PHP and the PHP+ Developer

Peter Sawczynec ps at
Tue Apr 22 10:51:22 EDT 2008

It seems we (I mean PHP programmers) have all the tools and instruments
already at our fingertips for more formalizing the study and application
of PHP, we'd just have to agree to ring our wagons around what we've got
on hand.

For example:

a) we have the very large and well-recognized repository of PHP work for
reference and re-use at and PEAR, 
b) we have the very well used and respected as large-scale
reference hub,  
c) we have Zend offering a commercialized IDE/framework and other
enterprise updates to PHP 
d) we have a handful of large free PHP user groups and these groups, say
the top 10, should be formally recognized, and one should be expected to
belong to one of these groups.

So what would be wrong if we just agreed as a professional group to use
these above entities as our bedrock standards. We use the Zend cert, the
Zend IDE/framework and officially sanction and as the defacto outlets of help/reference and code. 

We would not deny the use of, learning of, or the amicable co-existence
of any and all other outlets/entities, but the above noted entities
would be the generalized initial standards.

So as a new programmer in books/classes/tutorials you are always pointed
to for reference, you are behooved to use from and contribute to, you are prompted/guided/expected to join a listed
user group, and you are advised to get Zend cert and learn that

And that a programmer who has Zend cert. and is a recognized user group
member can use the status of PHP+ user/programmer on their

Just a thought. Now that could be a start.

Warmest regards, 
Peter Sawczynec 
Technology Dir.
Sun-code Interactive 
ps at

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