[nycphp-talk] MySQL - SQL Question

John Campbell jcampbell1 at
Wed Apr 23 21:40:03 EDT 2008

>  I used to be in the plural camp.  But I've become fond of the singular
>  camp.  That way the table can more easily match the names of the columns.
>  This makes things easier when it comes to making automatic tools for
>  sanitizing input and reverse engineering databases.

Makes sense. I will join your camp.

>  > I never know what to name timestamp/date fields.
>  What's your issue?  Not calling things "date"?  I tend to call things
>  "birth_date", "creation_date" etc.

Yeah, that's the crux of the problem.  I feel like it is something I
shouldn't have to think about, but every time I create a table I have
to stop and think:
"date_created or creation_date or created or date_added or add_date" and
"transaction_time or transaction_timestamp or transaction_datetime or

Then I think, I'll just follow the last guys convention and discover
"the_date" is being used.  "the_date" is wrong on so many levels that
I can't stand the thought of repeating it.

>  All that aside, you didn't answer the burning question:  did my query
>  suggestion work?! :)

Yes of course!... but Kenneth beat you to it.  I had it in my head
that I wanted a flexible fallback path for languages like:
zh_CN' -> zh_TW -> zh_US -> en_US
fr_CA -> fr_FR -> en_us

When I actually asked the question, I simplified it.  After I saw how
elegant and simple the two language solution is, I decided it wasn't
worth the additional complexity to have the fallback path.

John Campbell

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