[nycphp-talk] using PHP mail function on Windows server - update

Kristina Anderson ka at
Mon Apr 28 16:04:40 EDT 2008

Hi Anthony -- well, we've definitely made the decision to switch from 
WAMP to LAMP.  There are definitely plusses and minuses on each side, 
for sure.  Thank heavens, since this is an externally hosted site, I 
don't need to be a Linux genius (now THAT would be an issue)!  All of 
my previous experience developing PHP apps was with LAMP.  So this has 
been a learning experience for me.

The issues I found with WAMP are:

-- poor understanding on the part of sys admins of where the modified 
php.ini file should live, and why, and how it affects various functions 
of PHP.  Consequently a huge testing cycle and anxiety about future 
issues that might arise with new code.

-- Non existent debug messages (i.e. blank white screens rather than 
semi helpful line number messages)...although that could have been a 
setting that we neglected to unearth & configure.

-- Completely erratic performance with the mail() function and since 
this is a critical part of our app (13 different emails going out 
either after site visits or at various timed intervals to hopefully a 
ton of people who register), this was a huge concern for me; and

-- weird issues with the $_FILES array behavior and more fun trying to 
get php.ini to work right for that.

So maybe I'm just a wimp but back to LAMP I go.  I figure I've got 
enough headaches just trying to roll out the app and make sure it's 
working right without all of the above.


> LAMP environments, you're not missing much... :)
> -- 
> Anthony Wlodarski
> PHP/MySQL Developer
> 560 Broadway, Suite 308
> New York, NY 10012
> p 646.274.2435
> f 646.557.0803
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