[nycphp-talk] [OT] notebook recommendations - time to retire the Thinkpad t42p... anyone know Lenovo's t61p?

Jerry B. Altzman jbaltz at
Sun Aug 10 17:03:20 EDT 2008

on 2008-08-10 12:56 David Krings said the following:
> Jerry B. Altzman wrote:
>> USB->serial connectors are cheap, plentiful, and work like a charm in 
>> Windows and Linux.
> Cheap - true, plentiful - true as well, work like a charm - well,not if 
> you need real RS232C. When I worked at IR we had an adaptor for 

Sorry about that -- all the RS232 I need is talking to serial ports on 
the backs of servers and Ciscos -- and for THAT purpose, I've had 
nothing but good vibes and warm fuzzies.

I've heard them also work with weather station outputs as well.

> programming elecrtronic locks and it required a true serial port. The 
> vast majority of USB to serial converters we tried were fakers or just 
> plain junk. Most of them could run a seril mouse, but that was about it. 

Your mileage varied.

> David

jerry b. altzman        jbaltz at
thank you for contributing to the heat death of the universe.

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