[nycphp-talk] Open Source CMS for PHP5

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Fri Aug 15 00:07:05 EDT 2008

On Aug 14, 2008, at 12:00 PM, Mark Armendariz wrote:
> digitalUs - The installation had p5 strict issues (un-initialized vars
> throwing notices, which could be easily caught with __get methods -
> also some method signature differences.  once fixed (and @'d), ran
> fairly well).
> typo3 -  only required 2 minor changes to kill strict warnings (was
> running mysql_fetch methods on invalid result vars),  But once it was
> running, I couldn't get a new page added.  Seems a minor but obviously
> significant bug in the page adding form processor.  Haven't had the
> chance to dig in to find out why.

Thanks for getting back on how these fared.  Good to know.

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