[nycphp-talk] Accessing non-existent array elements ok?

Rolan Yang rolan at
Tue Aug 19 10:21:48 EDT 2008

David Mintz wrote:
> I heard somewhere that it does cost to reference/de-reference for no 
> good reason, and that if youi're not going to write to it, pass it by 
> value not reference. But I don't remember when or where, so don't ask 
> me support that with things like facts or sources.
> -- 
> David Mintz

Wow, what a shocker.
I just ran a quick test and passing by reference is SLOWER by a factor 
of 1000.
I'm running the script below on a  AMD Athlon XP 2200+ with 1GB RAM   
Redhat Fedora Core 5.
(if the email is mangled, you can grab the source from )
You need to supply a reasonably large file and repoint the $filename 
variable to it before running.


// Tests speed of passing by reference vs passing by value
// Rolan Yang rolan at Aug 19, 2008

$filename='os-php-cake2-ltr.pdf';  // point this to any fairly large 
file (1+ Megabyte?)

$blobofdata=file($filename); // load blob of data into a variable

if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {$newline="<br>\n";} else 

print "Pass by Reference{$newline}";
print "Start: $start{$newline}";

for ($x=0;$x<500;$x++) {
        $a=passByRef($blobofdata); // passes it by reference 500 times


print "End: $end{$newline}Total=".($end-$start).$newline.$newline;

print "Pass by Value{$newline}";
print "Start: $start{$newline}";

for ($x=0;$x<500;$x++) {
        $a=passByValue($blobofdata); // passes it by value 500 times

print "End: $end{$newline}Total=".($end-$start).$newline;

function passByRef(&$bla) {
        return $bla;

function passByValue($bla) {
        return $bla;


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