[nycphp-talk] looking for newbie PHP resources

BAS lists at
Tue Aug 26 02:11:11 EDT 2008

Sukrit D wrote:
> Was wondering if someone could guide me to the following:
> 1. Books guides for a PHP newbie

I liked "PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy" by David Powers.
He has some other excellent beginner level books on PHP.

I found "MySQL Crash Course" and "Teach Yourself Regular Expressions in
10 Minutes", both by Ben Forta, to be useful companion books. is also a good resource.

> 2. Interesting projects to try out while learning PHP

Form validation is always useful, maybe a simple user
authentication/login system.

> 3. IRC channels and other forums for newbies to interact with other
> members of the PHP community

I don't know of a better forum than this one. Much of what is discussed
here is still wayyyy over my head, but the folks here always seem to be
more than willing to lend a hand provided that one asks sensible questions.


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