[nycphp-talk] [OT] Voting

bzcoder bzcoder at
Fri Aug 29 10:09:39 EDT 2008

Randal Rust wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 11:01 PM, Ajai Khattri <ajai at> wrote:
>> Parliamentary debate means having to stand up and face your critics and
>> opponents. You just dont have that in this country - King Bush
> OK, can someone put a stop to this? This has gone well beyond OT, and
> way off of the original topic, which I believe was something to the
> effect of why can't we develop a reliable voting system.
But this thread was a perfect example.  Someone asked why and it 
derailed into 50 thousand conversations, none of which have anything to 
do with PHP.

So, to bring it back to PHP, what is your preferred method for counting 
votes on the internet when you allow non registered/anonymous users to vote?

1 IP 1 Vote?
1 Vote = 1 Cookie so you can't vote again?
Collect and confirm email address to vote?
Create a browser/ip/cookie thumbprint of the voter and assign metrics to 
determine "same person" to avoid duplicate votes?

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