[nycphp-talk] Htaccess and php user account

Elijah Insua tmpvar at
Tue Dec 2 00:47:59 EST 2008

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM, Tim Lieberman <tim_lists at>wrote:

> On Dec 1, 2008, at 11:38 PM, Michele Waldman wrote:
>  Thanks to your soft, delicate input, I've been doing a little more
>> research.
>> I was ps -ef on the linux server.  Php appears to be configured into the
>> server and the process goes down due to misconfiguration, is it not the
>> same
>> process handling the htaccess?  Does that mean basically all web services
>> have stopped on the server and not even htaccess would protect it, leaving
>> the entire server vulnerable?  Or will htaccess still be working?
> You're still operating under the impression that something went wrong with
> the software.
> Nothing went wrong with the software.  The software worked exactly as it
> was supposed to.  The problem was that it was misconfigured.  (Unless there
> really is some bug in apache that nobody here has ever seen/verified).  So,
> Garbage In (Configuration), Garbage (or, your source files, in this case)
> Out.
> Even that facebook story ends up saying:
>        "After looking at every possible angle, I was unable to configure
> our Apache build to serve source code even if we wanted to. What we
> eventually found was a single server running a standard distribution build
> of Apache in our production pool of several thousand web severs. A lot has
> been posted online blaming PHP for this, however, the server that we
> eventually found was not running PHP."
> He goes on to suggest the same thing I did in my last message.
>  So, if this is a misconfiguration issue, that means if you don't have a
>> sys
>> admin, that the programmer needs to learn the configuration and ensure
>> it's
>> correct on the server?
> If you rely on a server to deploy your applications you should do one of
> two things:
>        1) Know enough about server administration/configuration
>        2) Pay someone (or some organization) that does.
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