[nycphp-talk] security & google ajax lib (was: Ajax UI...)

Greg Rundlett greg.rundlett at
Wed Dec 10 12:30:24 EST 2008

On Wednesday 10 December 2008 11:25:32 Daniel Convissor wrote:
> Hi Greg:
> On Tue, Dec 09, 2008 at 05:46:24PM -0500, Greg Rundlett wrote:
> > Using multiple libraries got you down?
> > With the Google AJAX Libraries API, it
> > makes it easy to use libraries without actually installing and
> > maintaining the
> > library infrastructure locally
> Interesting.  I'm wondering what the security implications of this are.
> Also there's the issue of giving Google even more data about browsing
> habits.
> Finally, there are folks like myself that use Firefox's No Script add on
> that allows me to limit which domains can load JavaScript in my browser.
> I tend to not allow sites other than the one I'm looking at to run JS.
> --Dan

Thanks for the counterpoints Dan,  

I agree with you and use NoScript too.  Google's AJAX Libraries can be 
convenient, but like everything, there are drawbacks to consider.

Greg Rundlett
Web Developer - Initiative in Innovative Computing
m. 978-764-4424
o. 978-225-8302
skype/aim/irc/twitter freephile

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