[nycphp-talk] Open Source Project Management Tools

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Mon Dec 15 00:30:12 EST 2008

On Mon, 15 Dec 2008, Tim Lieberman wrote:

> FogBugz is nice for what it does.  The killer feature is email  
> integration, IMO.  Mantis ( is a nice (PHP) open-source  
> issue-tracker that's pretty flexible as far as use cases go.
> Project Management is bigger than just issue-tracking.


> There's the school of thought that says "Project Management is about  
> Communication (and everything else is a waste of time)" -- mostly  
> championed by the 37signals guys (their product, basecamp ( 
> ), is actually pretty useful for a small-ish kind of enterprise.

We used to use it. Not good enough to track what's going on in our 
projects. FogBugz was a compromise. Now Ive been looking at Mingle because 
the workflow is pretty useful.


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