[nycphp-talk] Open Source Project Management Tools

Brian Williams brianw1975 at
Mon Dec 15 01:22:54 EST 2008

The company I used to work at used scrum for projects and used VersionOne for planning, tracking, etc

Once i got used to it i found it to be of great use in keeping things on
track and specific tasks etc in order.

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 9:00 PM, Matt Juszczak <matt at> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm wondering if there are any open source good project management tools
> out there (PHP based).  They would have to be web based and integrate with
> email, and provide:
> "state-of-the-art project management software which will include automated
> project scheduling, issue management, risk management, resource management
> and other tools; skills training for project managers; consistent project
> management methodologies, and Proactive communication of project and task
> status."
> There's a larger list, but before we purchase something, I'm wondering if
> there's anything open source?
> Thanks for any suggestions!
> -MJ
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