[nycphp-talk] html 5

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Fri Feb 1 11:24:14 EST 2008

Hi Folks:

A new version of HTML is being proposed.  Here are the changes  Here are some 

* There are "section" elements and they can have "header" and "footer" 
* There's a "nav" element.
* New "type"'s for "input" such as "datetime" and "url".
* A "type" element can be set to "autofocus".
* Form elements can be associated with more than one form.
* "script" elements can now be "async".
* Frames are gone.
* Many stylistic attributes are being yanked in favor of CSS like 
"align", "border", etc.

One major thing I like is being removed: accesskey.  This allows me (and 
other users, I suppose) to keyboard navigate through web pages and forms.  
I also see "summary" and "abbr" is being pulled from table related 
elements.  Perhpas these are being replaced with some other elements or 
attributes, but I didn't notice such in my quick look over the working 



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