[nycphp-talk] PhP error handler help -- totally confounded

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Mon Feb 4 15:58:24 EST 2008

The error handler on my production server has stopped working. I ran some
code to test it and am completely stuck. The trigger error line below works
just fine. But php isn¹t directing it¹s errors to the error handler.
blasasdfsdfgorg{; just stops dead. foobar(); which should also throw an
error since it doesn¹t exist, also doesn¹t get caught by the error handler.

Things were working until a few weeks ago and I can¹t think of any major
changes since then. PHP hasn¹t changed; no kernal updates, no code changes,
etc. Any ideas? 
echo 'Testing error handler';
function error_handler($errNo, $errStr, $errFile, $errLine) {
    echo 'Inside error handling function';

ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

$old_handler = set_error_handler('error_handler');

echo 'Making errors now';

trigger_error("An error", E_USER_NOTICE);

echo 'An error appeared above';
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