[nycphp-talk] sign in/out of the website

chad qian at
Wed Feb 6 10:30:56 EST 2008

I am working on one php/mysql website
(1)user login system(registration,profile,forget password).After user input correct username/password,he can view/update his profile
(2)Home page.I put some links on home page.All these links link to other web pages
My question:
Anyone can browse the home page without sign in.
But when user clicks some links on the homepage:
(1)if he doesn't go to login form to sign in,he will be forwarded to "unauthorized access" page
(2)Only after he signs in,he can access any other web page.Otherwise,he can only view the home page,.
(3)he can sign in/out 
I am completely lost here.How to do php coding?
Thanks in advance
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