[nycphp-talk] javascript calling php function -- now question on Ajax

Susan Shemin susan_shemin at
Mon Feb 18 23:58:23 EST 2008

thanks, Mike and Ken

first off, I'm not using a form (so no POST); the link is in an anchor tag.  I could put a form around it, but that seems to me making a simple link complex.

I want to run this php code when the link is clicked 


Function capture_click($webpage,$link_clicked)


      $sql = "INSERT INTO click_details " .
             "SET webpage='$webpage', link_clicked='$link_clicked', entry_date='$entry_date'";
      $ok = mysql_query($sql);

      if ($ok) {
        //error checking

and then the anchor text (or how I guessed would work)

<a onclick="<?php capture_click(name_of_my_webpage,link_name); ?>";>info on PHP</a>
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