[nycphp-talk] PHP/MySQL environment problem??

PaulCheung paulcheung at
Thu Feb 28 14:11:18 EST 2008

PHP problem environmental controlsThe application is a classic traditional computer applications of add, update and read selected record.  The add record routine lines up the next record to be added by checking what the last record added number was.
The application was developed on  "localhost", Windows environment, and all working as expected, adding, updating and reading records up to a preset maximum of 100.

Then thethe whole application was transfered into its' "production environment" on my web space, Linux environment for testing. Everything works fine for the first record only. I cannot add  records thereafter. I have "desk checked" the coding and with the exception of the MySQL database parameters (host, user, password and database). All coding remains the same.

I cannot understand what is wrong is it because of the different operating environments or could it be something else? Has anybody got any ideas


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