[nycphp-talk] Why do "cool kids" choose PHP to build websites instead of Java

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Wed Jan 2 15:59:22 EST 2008

Tim Gales wrote:
> Thought this might be of interest:
> James Anderson writes (in his response to the article): The really 
> simple answer is that after the release of  php 5, php became the 
> better language...

I wasn't aware that PHP was the cool language.  I thought the "cool" 
language was Ruby.

Personally, I tend not to be a fan of the "cool" language because it 
means you either pay an arm and a leg for programmers, or you pay to 
train someone on your project so they can charge an arm and a leg for 
other projects.

Java has it's place, I like it for cross platform development, but for a 
website you don't need a cross platform CGI language, you just need a 
language which runs on your server.

I think Java is getting hit on two sides.  On the webside, Ruby is now 
the "cool" langauge that everyone wants to program in so they can charge 
lots of  money, while for graphical apps Flash is becoming the cross 
platform tool of choice.

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