[nycphp-talk] Why do "cool kids" choose PHP to build websites instead of Java

Kristina Anderson ka at
Wed Jan 2 16:02:44 EST 2008

Next I trust we can look forward to a bracing discussion on why "cool 
kids" use Phillips screwdrivers instead of blowtorches to open their 
computer cases?

-- Kristina

> Tim Gales wrote:
> > Thought this might be of interest:
> >
> >
> > James Anderson writes (in his response to the article): The really 
> > simple answer is that after the release of  php 5, php became the 
> > better language...
> I wasn't aware that PHP was the cool language.  I thought the "cool" 
> language was Ruby.
> Personally, I tend not to be a fan of the "cool" language because it 
> means you either pay an arm and a leg for programmers, or you pay to 
> train someone on your project so they can charge an arm and a leg 
> other projects.
> Java has it's place, I like it for cross platform development, but 
for a 
> website you don't need a cross platform CGI language, you just need 
> language which runs on your server.
> I think Java is getting hit on two sides.  On the webside, Ruby is 
> the "cool" langauge that everyone wants to program in so they can 
> lots of  money, while for graphical apps Flash is becoming the cross 
> platform tool of choice.
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