[nycphp-talk] Why do "cool kids" choose PHP to build websites instead of Java

Elliotte Rusty Harold elharo at
Wed Jan 2 18:09:26 EST 2008

Jake McGraw wrote:
> Tim:
> You're not to fault, and the point about Java collections Vs array() is 
> pretty good, unfortunately, I never made it that far because I was 
> completely turned off by the "article", the exact text Tim was referring 
> to:
> James Anderson wrote: The really simple answer is that after the release 
> of php 5, php became the better language. 

Oh really? From

% cat equality.php

$a = 0;
$b = "eggs";
$c = "spam";

print ($a == $b) ? "a == b\n" : "a != b\n";
print ($b == $c) ? "b == c\n" : "b != c\n";
print ($a == $c) ? "a == c\n" : "a != c\n";
print ($a == $d) ? "a == d\n" : "a != d\n";
print ($b == $d) ? "b == d\n" : "b != d\n";
print ($c == $d) ? "c == d\n" : "c != d\n";


% php equality.php
a == b
b != c
a == c
a == d
b != d
c != d

(Of course, starting in version 5, Java began to mess up simple 
Aristotelian logic too, but not quite this badly.)

Elliotte Rusty Harold  elharo at
Java I/O 2nd Edition Just Published!

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