[nycphp-talk] combining forum and list

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Fri Jan 4 10:44:39 EST 2008

I'm looking for something similar to the lists/forums at, in 
which forum messages are copied to the list, and list messages are 
copied to the forums.  Anyone here know how they do that, or have clues 
on how it could be done?

I'm helping out with a small community site currently running Joomla 
with Simple Machines Forum.  Almost all the site usage is in the forums, 
but since it's a small community traffic is rather low (about 150 
posts/month).  There's been a suggestion that since some people prefer 
forums over email lists, and vice verse, we might be able to improve the 
conversation by allowing people to choose either format and still be 
kept in the mix.

An alternative solution would be a Joomla or SMF plugin that would allow 
people to subscribe to the whole forum and get all posts by email.  Even 
if they had to sign onto the forums to respond, they would at least be 
kept informed of the discussion just by checking email.

Anyone have some leads on such a scheme?  (Googling for keywords like 
forum and list has turned up nothing useful.)


Allen Shaw
slidePresenter (

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