[nycphp-talk] combining forum and list (Joomla / SMF)

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Tue Jan 8 12:27:29 EST 2008

Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> There's an incompatibility between the GPL of Joomla and the license
> they chose for SMF -
Right, I remember something about that.  There was quite a bit of ire, 
in some discussions, about a perceived lack of OS-friendly intentions 
among the SMF developers. 
>  so most efforts (at least on the Joomla side,
> AFAICT) switched over to PHPBB - which, amazingly enough, has picked
> up really rapid development as of late. You might want to check that
> out.
I'm not sure why this site's admins picked SMF over anything else in 
particular -- I'm betting it was the usual haphazard "google around 
until you find something that mostly works" method.  If they start 
looking for a new board, I'll recommend they look at PHPBB.


Allen Shaw
slidePresenter (

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