[nycphp-talk] combining forum and list (Joomla / SMF)

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Tue Jan 8 13:24:21 EST 2008

Allen Shaw wrote:
> Gary Mort wrote:
>> Also, purely personal, but the PHPBB team, or at least their forum 
>> moderator, believes that when you submit a post on a PHPBB powered 
>> forum run by someone else, that the person running the forum is given 
>> exclusive copyright to the material you post(as in copying your post 
>> from that forum and posting it somewhere else is illegal and a 
>> copyright violation).
> Dang it, IANAL.  I'll bite:  Does it matter what one forum moderator 
> believes about other forums?

It does when your trying to find a way for a group of people to save 5 
years of posts from one private forum when the forum owner has gone a 
little off his rocker and is threatening to shut down the forum if 
everyone doesn't cater to his ego needs.  :-)  However, in the end, they 
copy and pasted every single post into large zip files on their new 
forum before I got any spidering solution in place, so their happy.

It did make me reluctant to post code fixes to the PHPBB forum in the 
future if they felt my posting there means I can't use the same code 
elsewhere without their permission.

Now, it may be that they felt that since the same methods used to copy 
your own posts from a forum could be used to copy others posts from 
another forum, and that was what they wanted to discourage.  But since 
that isn't what the moderator said, and he didn't reply to my request 
for clarification, I have to go by his word not a guess at what he means.

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