[nycphp-talk] Namespaces

Kristina Anderson ka at
Thu Jan 10 19:00:28 EST 2008

I think this has something to do with variable scope?  Such as, in ASP 
(like VB), if you declare a variable i within a function, it loses 
scope after the function executes and you can have another variable i 
outside a function which stays in scope (this is NOT necessarily a 
good thing, either).

Whereas in PHP, if you declare $i, no matter where, it will be in 
scope throughout your entire script....right?

As someone who used ASP for many, many years....after using PHP for 5 
months I can pretty much state that, for me at least, it's NOT better 
than PHP, and it was a hell of a lot less fun to write.


> Hi!
> I got sucked into a (probably pointless) discussion about ASP vs. 
PHP. One of 
> the arguments against using PHP was that there is only a single 
> Uhm, that took the wind out of my sail as I have no clue what a 
namespace is 
> and why having only one is really bad.
> Anyone can explain that to me in laymen terms?
> David
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