[nycphp-talk] Why do "cool kids" choose PHP to build websites instead of Java

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Tue Jan 15 10:20:18 EST 2008

Hey John:

On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 11:22:44AM -0500, John Campbell wrote:
> If you still don't understand the problem, then take this quiz:
> what is the output of the following statements?
> var_dump(true + true);
> var_dump(null < 0);
> var_dump(null < -1);
> var_dump(null < 1);

The third one tripped me up.  It's TRUE.  I expected it to be false under 
the assumption that null == 0 in most PHP contexts.  But it seems like 
it's really nothing/null in this context.  Since null is nothing and a 
negative number is something, it makes some sort of sense.


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